Celebrating Triumph: Dignity's Secondary IGCSE and Employability Program Graduation
12 April 2023

27 March 2023 – Last Saturday was a momentous occasion as we gathered with parents, guests, and friends to celebrate the graduation of 68 Secondary students from Dignity's Secondary IGCSE and Employability programs. These students had overcome tremendous odds, including navigating through the challenges posed by the pandemic, to reach this milestone.

The Class of 2022 batch had faced unprecedented challenges during their educational journey. For the students in Dignity College's vocational skills and employability program, their two-year journey included spending three months at our Farm Academy in Bentong, where they learned and lived. They then had to move to Sentul for another two months due to restricted movement orders.

Despite the many obstacles they faced, including financial and personal struggles, these students persevered. Some of them almost had to quit school due to financial difficulties or family crises caused by job losses during the pandemic. Some even faced the threat of eviction due to inability to pay rent and utilities. One of them had tragically lost her father to Covid-19. Their stories were heart-wrenching and gripping, but they did not give up.

And now, here they are today, proud graduates! We celebrate their triumph, their determination, and their resilience. For many of them, this graduation marks a significant milestone as they become the first in their families to receive an education and complete high school. They may have started at a different starting line, but they raced to the finish line of this chapter, and we applaud their achievements.

Co-founder, Principal and CEO, Petrina Satvinder (Shee) with a graduate.
James Ling, Dignity's Chariman presenting the scroll to top scorer, Faith Ng, with an impressive 7A*s for IGCSE!
Head of Secondary Programme, Tansra Kaur.
Head of Dignity College, Evonne Young.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who believed in and invested in these students. It is through the support of our teachers, parents, guests, and friends that these students were able to overcome their challenges and achieve this incredible milestone. We celebrate their success and look forward to seeing them continue to thrive in their future endeavors.

Graduation day was a poignant reminder of the power of determination, resilience, and support in the face of adversity. These students have proven that with the right support and unwavering determination, anything is possible. As we send them off into the next chapter of their lives, we are filled with pride and joy, knowing that they are equipped with the skills and resilience to overcome whatever challenges may come their way. Congratulations to the Class of 2022! Your achievements are truly inspiring, and we cannot wait to see the great things you will accomplish in the future.
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About Dignity

Our work began in 1998 in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur with only 20 students then. Dignity is now a learning centre with more than 2,300 children ranging from 2-19 years old.
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