Yes! I want to empower a child at Dignity for Children Foundation!
I want to provide an opportunity to an underprivileged child to receive education, to be nurtured and cared for in a supportive and secure environment and to develop to be all that he/ she can be, and to break out of the cycle of poverty.
Donor details
Full name
Email address
Contact number
Identification card (IC) / Passport
Programme option
Type of contribution
Number of child / children I wish to empower
Type of support
Contribution amount (MYR)
Payment method
Credit Card
Online Banking
Cheque / Postal Order
Cash / Transfer
Payment channel
Cheque / postal order no. (payable to Dignity for Children foundation)
For cash contribution, please forward us a copy of your deposit slip and your contact particulars via e-mail: or fax: 03 – 40441395.
You will be redirected to complete your transaction.