Marching on 2 years since the pandemic

18 March 2022

It all started on 18th March 2020, when we distributed our first few packs of food and groceries to our students.

An appeal was made, and we’ve not stopped since.

To date, two years later, we have distributed 5,712 packs of food and sanitary products to our students, community and B40 staff.

As days and weeks went by, we knew that our children and youths couldn’t afford to be left behind in their learning.

Resources were sent to their home, mobile devices, SIM cards and data top-up to support their virtual learning.

Over 170 devices were given out to our students, over RM 10,000 raised for mobile data top-up.

The digital divide was a huge challenge and took us months to continuously attend to the needs to mitigate the issues faced by the children or even their parents.

Whilst teachers were coping and adapting to making online learning engaging, creating video content, putting assignments online, etc., our students and families were facing more extensive problems...

11 students lost a parent to Covid19.

The youngest ones are a pair of twins from our Preschool programme.

To help the families through the difficult period, Dignity supported with financial aid, rental assistance, burial cost, education fees, sponsorship and groceries.

As the lockdowns extended through 2021, more news of parents losing their jobs and income came in.

We found out that one parent was suicidal as he had no money or savings to pay rent and was at risk of getting evicted.

We instantly intervened with an appeal and received almost RM 150,000 in a month! Thank YOU!

With the funds, we managed to assist 122 students and their families with rental assistance, outstanding utility bills, and medical aid, prevented over 30 families from being evicted and assisting a few parents to undergo urgent surgeries.

Dignity didn’t just cope, but we continued to reinvent!

Through the 2 years, we have launched and piloted our A-levels programme, various live-in programs for Secondary students, and started Dignity Farm Academy in Bentong, Pahang!

Last week, we got to celebrate a new batch of graduates and as Rokiya mentioned in her speech, none of them gave up though it was a struggle attending online classes.

Kudos to all our students for braving through the storm, we celebrate your hard work and determination!

It wasn't an easy 2 years, but we're so, so thankful.

We celebrate our team, who weathered through the storms and fought to ensure that our children and youth were not left behind but cared for.

We celebrate YOU - our generous village of partners, supporters and donors who made all the work possible!!


Current need: Montessori materials for students learning in the classroom

Montessori education has been shown to actually break down class barriers in education and is akin to bringing out the true abilities of a child.

This is why we implement and use Montessori for our Preschool and Lower Primary students.

However, Montessori education doesn’t come cheap.

265 sets of Montessori materials are needed for our classrooms.

Direct bank-in:
Bank Name : Public Bank Berhad
Account Name : Dignity for Children Foundation
Account No. : 3-9804775-36
Remarks: montessori

We are also in need for more devices (tablets), do contact / +6017-3787 579


我们成立于 1998 年,坐落于吉隆坡的冼都,当时只有 20 名学生。如今, Dignity 是个拥有超过 1860 名学生 (2 - 19 岁) 的学习中心。
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